Omerta - biggest gangster game on the web

Username: omerta
Description: All-new Omerta is now updated to version 2.7 with pvp POKER! Register today to find out why this is the online Mafia game which all others try to emulate! FREE to play! Huge volunteer Game Admin crew and IRC community. As featured on the Jay Leno show :D
Category: RPG
Member Since: 2007-09-04
Average Rating: 5 / 5
Number of Ratings: 849

2008-03-05 09:24:43
2008-01-17 10:59:45
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Daily | Unique PVs | Total PVs | Unique In | Total In | Unique Out | Total Out |
Average | 3,411.0 | 5,418.8 | 1,086.1 | 1,395.8 | 15.2 | 18.0 |
Today | 312 | 475 | 80 | 86 | 4 | 5 |
Yesterday | 3,768 | 5,929 | 1,192 | 1,547 | 11 | 14 |
December 16 | 3,759 | 5,870 | 1,206 | 1,513 | 14 | 15 |
December 15 | 3,837 | 6,079 | 1,196 | 1,531 | 18 | 21 |
December 14 | 3,718 | 5,855 | 1,153 | 1,467 | 16 | 19 |
December 13 | 3,643 | 5,772 | 1,138 | 1,466 | 13 | 17 |
December 12 | 3,726 | 6,006 | 1,194 | 1,560 | 23 | 25 |
December 11 | 3,775 | 6,089 | 1,234 | 1,582 | 17 | 21 |
December 10 | 3,755 | 6,011 | 1,230 | 1,621 | 17 | 20 |
December 09 | 3,817 | 6,102 | 1,238 | 1,585 | 19 | 23 |
Highest | 7,387 | 13,689 | 2,878 | 4,717 | 40 | 48 |
Weekly | Unique PVs | Total PVs | Unique In | Total In | Unique Out | Total Out |
Average | 28,178.4 | 44,384.7 | 9,664.4 | 12,219.8 | 140.0 | 157.8 |
This Week | 11,676 | 18,353 | 3,674 | 4,677 | 47 | 55 |
Last Week | 26,362 | 42,003 | 8,443 | 10,931 | 118 | 139 |
Week 49 | 27,290 | 42,840 | 9,054 | 11,674 | 157 | 185 |
Week 48 | 28,660 | 46,087 | 9,467 | 12,343 | 147 | 178 |
Week 47 | 29,699 | 46,461 | 10,073 | 12,885 | 147 | 156 |
Week 46 | 30,496 | 47,400 | 10,423 | 13,363 | 137 | 147 |
Week 45 | 31,543 | 48,991 | 11,101 | 13,744 | 182 | 195 |
Week 44 | 33,151 | 51,959 | 11,705 | 14,560 | 162 | 187 |
Week 43 | 32,129 | 51,034 | 11,579 | 14,337 | 154 | 177 |
Week 42 | 30,778 | 48,719 | 11,125 | 13,684 | 149 | 159 |
Highest | 48,741 | 89,217 | 19,095 | 25,552 | 211 | 250 |
Monthly | Unique PVs | Total PVs | Unique In | Total In | Unique Out | Total Out |
Average | 141,492.5 | 243,348.0 | 53,214.4 | 69,293.7 | 614.0 | 702.4 |
This Month | 65,328 | 103,196 | 21,171 | 27,282 | 322 | 379 |
Last Month | 129,449 | 203,080 | 44,202 | 56,286 | 661 | 732 |
October 08 | 135,554 | 214,146 | 47,325 | 58,171 | 601 | 670 |
September 08 | 106,742 | 165,738 | 35,448 | 44,461 | 398 | 445 |
August 08 | 132,553 | 212,764 | 44,574 | 57,092 | 495 | 556 |
July 08 | 178,164 | 327,092 | 62,816 | 84,936 | 726 | 823 |
June 08 | 194,791 | 359,535 | 74,589 | 99,667 | 897 | 1,043 |
May 08 | 164,667 | 295,812 | 66,822 | 87,320 | 841 | 976 |
April 08 | 139,606 | 242,835 | 59,393 | 77,702 | 559 | 640 |
March 08 | 168,071 | 309,282 | 75,804 | 100,020 | 640 | 760 |
Highest | 194,791 | 359,535 | 75,804 | 100,020 | 897 | 1,043 |
Unique PVs | Total PVs | Unique In | Total In | Unique Out | Total Out | |
Overall | 1,918,627 | 3,379,799 | 799,329 | 1,056,424 | 8,682 | 9,878 |